The breathing revolution is here.

Don’t get caught in the hype, know your facts, apply them intelligently and create your own methods.

Build your baseline breathing - then take it to the world.


Who is it for?

Anyone who wants to explore this idea of breathing and breathwork as a personal practice and/or as part of their work. Health practitioners, coaches, trainers, gurus or any individual wanting to understand correct breathing as a baseline for exploring the power of breath practice.

Who will it help?

It helps you and it helps people around you. If you’re working in the field and interested in the benefits of breathing practices for you and your patients/clients you need a thorough understanding of the basics. If you’re an individual gaining this insight will help you cut the crap and save a heap of time, energy and money.

What’s Baseline?

Baseline Breathing is simply the idea of understanding and establishing the fundamentals. It’s about understanding how breathing anatomy, physiology and neurology work so you can go off and either explore breath yourself, teach it or create new methods.


Why is a Baseline important?

You know why - nobody climbed Everest without a base camp. Same for exploring breathing and breathwork. If you don’t know what or why you’re doing something then chances are you’re not doing it well. Having the foundations clear gives you all the power.

How will it work for me?

Good question.

Through the online content you can apply what you learn in the program to your unique circumstances. If you’re an individual seeker looking for answers you’ll learn a new depth of understanding, health practitioners can go into full geek mode and trainers/coaches learn how to get lasting results with principles and how to build kick ass programs for you or your clients.

When does it start?

The online program is available at anytime and has no expiry limits. One to one sessions have an expiry limit of 3 months from date of purchase.

And what about the “investment”?

The “investment” is a euphemism for the price ;)

$1295 will get you over 40 videos that give you the Baseline to develop your breath work programs plus 4 one to one sessions to integrate the knowledge and build your personal or commercial program.

Want to know more? Let’s chat about it - just click or tap here and we’ll organise something.

OK, what’s in it?

Baseline Program.

Taught by osteopath Cole Clayton, the Baseline Program is a video series that gives you the stuff you need to start asking the right questions and provide your foundation of knowledge.

It will take you through:

  • Physiology - where the confusion often sets in. Co2, O2, Ph, the Bohr Effect … what it all means and why is it important

  • Neurophysiology - The how and why of breathing causing short and long-term changes in mental state and consciousness

  • How to bring it all together for yourself or the world

  • The “big why” of breathing and breathwork

  • The Triad of Breathing and the systems it influences

  • The Diaphragm - plus all the muscles and systems that work with it.

  • Breathing Methods. Nose and mouth breathing, fast and slow breathing, power breathing, holotrophic breathing - how they all work and what’s really going on inside

Don’t just take my word for it…@agrifforama explains what he reckons…